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  • Writer's pictureAurora Holmes

Dumplings with potatoes (Găluște cu cartofi)

What could be better than homemade dumplings with potatoes and tomato sauce? I'll tell you right now... NOTHING. This dish is such a comfort food for me and I remember thinking that I could eat it every single day if possible. Now things have changed and I cannot eat this every single day because it wouldn’t be healthy, but as a kid this was my perfect plate of food. I can say it was my version of Mac and Cheese without any cheese 😉.

I am very happy that I can share this recipe with everyone. It wasn't easy to come up with a recipe because my grandmother always cooks by the eye and nothing gets measured. I understand her approach better now since I am cooking almost every single day. You start feeling more comfortable, and all of a sudden you start being creative, and that’s when you start realizing that instead of being something that you do only out of necessity, cooking has become your main hobby/passion.


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