I love a good drink sweetened with sugar. The thing that I love the most about this method is that you can flavor your water with whatever fruit you want, and you will never get tired of it. When I was growing up in Romania, drinks like this were only made out of elderberry flowers and roses (I have to admit that I cannot choose a favorite between those, since each version is incredible and different from the other).
Here in the United States, I don’t have easy access to elderberry or roses for eating, and I had to adjust. I have been lucky enough to discover new flavors, especially from Latin American restaurants. They all serve similar drinks, and the flavors are delicious and unique. Limeades are very popular, especially in countries where limes are common. Each country has a different version of this limeade, and this is the Mexican version of it called Agua Fresca. This drink can be transformed into an alcoholic beverage by adding some tequila or rum to each glass and mixing it well. Enjoy this refreshing beverage with some juicy street tacos and you can call it a day!